March 20, 2011

Better Before or After - Nicole Richie

When I think of Nicole Richie, I think of the horrible extensions she wore "The Simple Life," The reality TV show with Paris Hilton (2003 - 2007). Since the show first aired, Nicole's hairstyles have definitely had their ups & downs. These are the good, the bad and the ugly. (and my opinions why)

Starting with the worst:

In all of these photos, Nicole's hair extensions look either stringy, skunk-y, or they just don't blend. The best of all of them, is the photo on the bottom right. Over all Nicole looks good, her highlight placement in her natural hair is very pretty. Her extensions however, don't blend at all. They are too coppery & have very few platinum highlights through the bottom, so all I see is orange.

Left: There is a complex balance of having your hair coloured copper hair & having your hair colour look like you were trying to go blonde and your hair couldn't quite get there. This looks like somewhere in the middle. If her highlights were a shade lighter it would look better, but this is still a strange colour choice for her skin tone. Right: Plain and simple, she looks washed out.

Getting better :

Left: Nicole's hair a lot of very fine blended highlights which softens the over all appearance. The colour tone in this photo is a lot cooler which compliments her skin tone. I would love this photo except she has a few extensions pieces that haven't been cut. (sigh) Center: Love the dark. Crooked fringe & stringy extension pieces that haven't been cut yet, not so much. Right: Her hair finally blends all the way through!! A few lighter highlights through the top would have brightened this look up beautifully and the base colour wouldnt blend into her skin as much.

Center part + larger forehead = very obvious large forehead. A more complimentary style would have deeper side parting (keeping the braids going back off her face with her waves) creating a carefree looking boho style.

My favourites:

Left: Nicole's rich brown hair looks so sultry & the contrast to her skin tone is amazing. Center: I approve of this center part as it doesnt pull all the hair off her face exposing her forehead. The colour choice is even and looks soft. Right: Elegant & simple.

Left: Nicole's hair looks cute. Paris' hair is big bird yellow (... sigh) Right: LOVE THIS PHOTO!!!!!

Left: Love the rooted look, over all tone is pretty, extensions are coloured to blend. Center: Can't get enough of the rich dark chocolate colour. Right: So chic.

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